A trendy bar in medieval surroundings, the Picasso-Museum behind the facade of an old court, gems of baroque architecture next to icons of contemporary art… It is this exciting mix that makes Münster so charming: the coexistence of antique history and cosmopolitan internationality. In 2015 Münster´s historic Town Hall received the European Heritage Label for being a landmark of European history!

    In 1648 great European history was made with the Peace of Westphalian in the “Friedenssaal” (Hall of Peace) of the historic “Rathaus” (Town Hall). It was here where the first university of Westphalia was founded in 1773. The university was the foundation of the city of science that is filled with life by more than 50.000 students.

    On the “Prinzipalmarkt” (Principal Market) you will find out immediately why Münster is a member of the Historic Highlights of Germany. The gabled merchant houses form a splendid silhouette and exclusive boutiques are waiting for you underneath their archways.

    Just around the corner, in the shade of the “St.Paulus Dom” (St. Paul’s Cathedral), you can take a stroll around one of Europe’s most beautiful farmers’ markets.

    Green hideaways can be found everywhere and are easy to get to by bike as Münster is Germany’s “Bicycle Capital”! Stop at the promenade, the “Botanischer Garten” (Botanical Garden) or the “Aasee” (Aa Lake).

    Take a break at one of these amazing spots. Everything is available – from the cozy traditional pub to the trendy in-location at the “Kreativ-Kai” (Creative-Quay) of the harbor. Here you can think about which of the 30 museums you might like to visit.

    Historic Town Hall Münster

    Let´s celebrate together

    375 years Peace of Westphalia

    1648 marks an important date for Germany and for Europe. 30 years before, an incident in eastern Europe led to a war that encompassed most of Europe but was held mainly in the area which is now called Germany. Social confilcts on themes like religion, supremacy of the state, clergy or monarchy where fundamental drivers of that war. But in 1648 the leaders of the several groups that were part of that war came together in Münster and Osnabrück to talk. These negotiations were later supposed to be the first ones to end a war in the history of the world in those times. Not swords ended that war, but negotiations. That´s something we all should celebrate and therefor, several events will take place during the next months to commemorate this.

    Celebrate with us

    Be Inspired


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        • Münster Marketing
          Klemensstraße 10
          48143 Münster Germany

        • Tourist Information Center        Heinrich-Brüning-Str. 7
          48143 Münster
        • Tourist Information Center Town Hall
          Prinzipalmarkt 10
          48143 Münster

        • Tel.: +49 (0) 251 4922710
        • Fax.: +49 (0) 251 4927743


        © Image Rights: Cow Quarter/Prinzipalmarkt Square – Ralf Emmerich, Lake Aa – Rena Ronge

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